Florist's Quest


Trade items. Gather flowers. Make a beautiful bouquet


Florist’s Quest is a casual, puzzle prototype of a new game, which our group decided to create, for old consoles and Gameboy. It’s a short piece, where you will play as a florist and will have to go around picking up some ordinary object to be able to trade for the desired flowers in each bouquet. For now, we have this first level, where there will be 3 types of flowers to be able to get in order to make the perfect bouquet for your client, just don’t forget to do it before the end of the day!



Explore the map;

Collect items;

Trade with NPCs;

Solve puzzles;


WASD – Moving;

Z or J – Interact and pick up;

X or K – Go back;

Shift – Inventory;

Enter - to start

In Joypad - default buttons



Florist’s Quest: 

Game Developer: Diana Alfaiate; 

Game Designer: Francisco Rodrigues;  Margarida Costa

Game Art: Some of the Assets for the art from the stores: Pixel Nook, Rekkimaru, MaterialFuture and GumpyFunction; or provider by gbStudio.

Music: "Crystal Clear" by TipTopTomCat.



Powered by IPLeiria.


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